Member-only story
What Should White America Do Now? This.
The alarm bell has rung. The 2x4 has been swung. The punch in the stomach has been felt. Now what? Yes, many citizens have awakened to the United States’ greatest challenge — applying the values of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness to the lives of Black Americans. The anti-blackness ideology and structural racism, which causes racially disparate outcomes in all systems, has disturbed the heartbeat of our country through the death of an unarmed and handcuffed African American man, George Floyd. People are angry. People are tired. People are in the streets. Blacks and people of color can’t breathe. We are tired of having a knee on our neck. Will the blackouts, marches, protests, speeches, and writings be enough to change an often dismissive and denial-filled culture?
Without the leadership of antiracist White Americans, I just don’t think it is possible. History provides us with many instances of outrage against injustice that have not disrupted the pattern of Blacks having the worst outcomes in our systems. We have so far to go with a populace who still has difficulty connecting the dots between the past to the present age of “Making America Great Again.” For the White people who do care and support #BlackLivesMatter I offer my model of engagement moving forward.
Hello White People.